Facilitator Training - 3 Day Intensive
Leading powerful and sacred Sister Circles - An in-depth 3 day training program with Kate Reed M.A.
In-Person - Byron, NSW Australia
This 3-day immersion in offering annually in March. If you would like to join the waiting list for the 2025 training, please join my Mailing List so I can update you when the registration is open.
If you are are keen to get started before then, I invite you to consider the self-paced online version of this course.
Welcome Sisters!
I invite you to join me for a 3-day journey into the potent cauldron of The Sister Circles In-Person Training.
NOW more than ever we are being called into deep personal and collective inquiry while the structures of our current paradigm crumble around us.
It is a confusing and heart-achingly painful time for so many. We are bewildered, fearful, confused, angry and grief-stricken. Amongst this we may also feel grateful, expanded and hopeful .... This changing landscape of emotions is different from hour-to-hour and day-to-day.
What I do know from the bottom of my heart is that deep healing and transformation happens when a person is witnessed with love and compassion by others while they navigate life’s challenges.
Facilitating Sister Circles in your community is a powerful way for you to make a positive and significant impact on the outcome of our future as we midwife ourselves through this next chapter of our collective evolution.
Thank you for heeding the call to consciously join with other soulful Sisters around the world who are awakening to their own powerful transformation during these changing times on this planet.
This work has a powerful ripple effect on the women who participate in these Circles, that echoes through their lives and the collective in a profoundly positive way.
Is this Training for me?
Women who create Sister Circles deeply understand that Circle work:
- Is a pathway of self enquiry and self responsibility
- Requires humility and grace and a capacity to hold a space of unconditional love with clear and healthy boundaries
- Opens the doorway to the energies of love, divine grace and connection to the pure feminine energy that is our birthright.
If you are called to this work, you know it in your bones. It is the little niggle (or a loud roar) that just won't go away until you step into the fullness of your soul-contract in this lifetime.
This training is for women who are ready to step into Feminine Leadership.... HOWEVER, it is an authentic style of stewardship. It is not a dominating, 'look at me, I am in charge' kind of leadership. It is a not an 'admire me, I am so spiritual' kind of leadership. It is an authentic attitude of the heart. It is a way of being that allows for other women to connect with their own inner-wisdom as you hold space for them in a truly grounded way.
I have grown both personally and professionally in ways I could never have imagined since I held my first Circle over 25 year ago. I have witnessed the blossoming of more Sisters than I can count as they sit in Circle, without their 'masks' and reveal their true and beautiful hearts.
It is a privilege and an honour to help women re-connect with the deepest essence of who they are at a Soul level. Sisters Circles provide a beautiful, safe environment for this re-connection to be witnessed and supported.
Your life will be forever enriched by doing this work, as will the lives of the women who join you. I encourage you to hear the call and be activated by it. Never has there been a more important time for us to do this work.
What level of experience is required for this Training?
The Training is open to beginners AND advanced students. The information will meet you where you are at in your journey and the immersion in healthy 'sister medicine' is a beautiful and healing experience for us all.
I find in each group there is a mixture of prior experience in regards to attending or running a Circle.
Some women have never attended or run a Circle before, but have a deep knowing in their bones that they are called to this work. If this is you, this Training will take you on a step-by-step-journey to the point where you feel confident to call in your own Sister Circle.
If you have attended or facilitated Circles or groups before, you will still find this fresh perspective to be rich and engaging. Essentially it will give you the boost of confidence you may be looking for to step further into your role as a Facilitator with extra tools in the kit.

About the In-Person Training
With over 25 years of experience facilitating Circles, Workshops and Retreats, I am so grateful to be sharing my knowledge with women all over the world through the Sister Circle Facilitator Training. In our time together, I will lead you on a deep journey to help you prepare to create powerful and soulful Sister Circles in your community. Nothing could fulfil me more.
How is the Training structured?
One of the best ways to learn about Circle is to be in a Circle. The Sister Circles Template has been tested and refined over many years of further study and lived experience. It has many layers woven into the format of the structure which we dive deeply into during the Training.
I teach in a very experiential way. We talk, we practice, we review, we learn. It is very important that this work is embodied during the Training so you, the participant, feel confident to go out and get started.
Each participant will each receive a full 80+ page manual of everything we cover so you always have an invaluable resource to refer back to.
I have paced the course so it does not feel rushed and there is plenty of time for questions and practice. We are working with the energy of the feminine so we will be taking our time and enjoying ourselves! Yes to that!
In the Training - we go step-by-step through a particular format and structure that I have found to be the most beneficial for everyone in the Circle. It is a deliberate balancing of the masculine and feminine in regards to flow and format. The template can be adjusted or added to so that you can incorporate your own medicine and magic in accordance with your particular passions and skills. The format is for a sharing Circle, and can be expanded into working with a particular topic or theme.
Topics Include:
Sitting in Circle is an ancient and sacred art of communing. In this training you will be guided, step-by-step, to plan and facilitate sacred and nurturing Circles that will nourish the Souls of all who attend.
Rituals are an important part of any sacred gathering. They focus attention and intention and are a powerful tool for manifestation and healing. You will learn how to bring the sacred art of ritual into your Sister Circle, with clear guidelines on why, how and when to use them.
Relationships based on trust and connection are the foundation for healing and transformation. Learn how to foster these important elements in your Sister Circle for all who attend.
There is an art to Facilitation that ensures that the Circle is 'held' in a safe way. We will go into great detail about how to develop or enhance your stewardship skills so that your Sisters will feel safe enough to leave their armour at the door and be their true, unmasked, authentic selves.
True listening is a skill that has been lost in our busy modern world. Most exchanges are brief and lack depth. Often each person is just waiting for their turn to talk. In Circle we create an environment where meaningful exchanges are celebrated and welcomed as we take the time to listen deeply to each other about what is really going on under the surface. You will be taught how to facilitate 'true' listening and sharing in your Circle.
Being ‘trauma-informed’ is important for any facilitator that is working one-on-one or with groups.
The material contained in the Facilitator Training and the accompanying manual will help you become more aware of how to identify and support participants in your Circle when they become 'activated'.
We all view the world from our own perspective. Sometimes this means we move into a state of judgement and blame when we do not agree with someone's opinion or actions. In this training we look closely at how to manage challenging situations that may arise in Circle when emotional triggering has taken place and explore somatic tools and techniques to 'attend' to the activation and restore group rapport.
Setting clear boundaries is a vital part of any helping modality. In this training you will discover the best way keep your own boundaries clear and strong whilst being loving and compassionate.
Holding sacred space is honour and privilege. As facilitators, we are maintaining the group energy on many levels. In this training you will learn the importance of our own self-care strategies as well as tools and techniques to ensure you do not burn out physically or energetically.
We will be exploring how we learn and grow ourselves through this work as women and facilitators and how to identify the 'shadow side' of Sisterhood within ourselves and others. Competition, jealousy, betrayal are some of topics we will be discussing.
It is important and beneficial for Facilitators to be culturally and diversity aware. It is impossible to know what it is to walk in another person’s shoes. We are all a combination of our Soul’s expression, genetic inheritance, family of origin conditioning, and cultural programming. In Circle work - it is important that we foster environments of inclusion and safety for those who are attending.
Learn how to create a Workshop from scratch using the skills you have learnt as a Circle Facilitator, as well as a number of techniques that will ensure your Workshop will be successful.
Many women are choosing to run Circles as a business or as an adjunct to an existing business in the health and wellness sector. In this training we will cover how to get started, what to charge and how to promote your Circles.
Take your Circle online and reach more Sisters. Everything you need to know to know to connect women from all over the world. This module covers the technical and energetic differences and gives you a clear protocol to follow.
After you have completed the Sister Circle Facilitator Training, you will have the option of receiving ongoing mentoring to guide and support you as you embark on your journey of becoming a Circle facilitator.
Being a Sister Circles Facilitator is now internationally recognised as an approved Modality with The International Institute for Complementary Therapist. When you graduate from The Sister Circles Training, you are eligible for Membership with IICT. To find out more, click here.
Additional Resources and Tools
- Circle check-lists x 3
Having a check-list that you can go through prior to Circle and during Circle will help you stay on-track and avoid feelings of worry like, 'Oh no, I've gone blank!' or 'Oh dear, what comes next!' or 'I feel like I have forgotten something!'
In this bonus module, I also include a checklist for Online Circles (which are slightly different to in-person Circles).
- Guided Visualisation and Grounding Scripts
Included in this bonus module are several visualisation scripts that you can use in your Circles. They have been specifically written to help your participants to relax and connect with their inner world.
- Music Playlists on Spotify
Amazing music collected and curated over years to help carry the energy of your Circles and allow for deep and genuine healing and transformation.
- Private Community Group
You will also be invited into the Private Online Group for Facilitator Graduates where further support is provided.
Bonus Gift # 1 - 'Manifestation Day' Workshop Template
This stand alone Template includes everything you need to take your Sisters on a beautiful day of 'dreaming into existence' all the things they long for.
I have run this Workshop many times, as have many of the graduates of this Facilitator Training and every single time, the participants finish the day feeling inspired and loved up!
This is a great Workshop to run a couple of times a year as an opportunity to gather with your women folk and dream in the new earth.

Bonus Gift # 2 - 'The Art of Co-Facilitation'
Working with others can be a wonderful experience, or it can go horribly wrong!
In this BONUS module I share with you how I navigate working partnerships and collaborations so you are co-creating in harmony - making the most of your combined skillsets.
Have you ever found yourself in the position where you have agreed to a collaboration and half-way through found that you are experiencing scope-creep or boundary issues? This can quickly lead to frustration and resentment which in turn makes the whole experience really unpleasant and can stop you from ever collaborating again!
In this module I will take you step-by-step through a process which starts with the end in mind and creates easy pathways for you and your partner to co-create wonderful workshops and events.

Recap on what the Training Includes
The Facilitator Training Program includes:
- 3 full days of face-to-face teaching with Kate Reed covering everything you need to start your own Sister Circles in your community.
- A comprehensive 83-page Facilitator Training Manual for easy reference for all that is covered in the Training.
- Additional Resources including check-lists, guided visualisations scripts, sample invitations, Circle blessings & comprehensive playlists on Spotify
- 1 x BONUS Ready-to-use Template to run a ‘Sister Circles Manifestation Day'.
- 1 x BONUS 'Art of Co-Facilitation' Module
- An online group integration meeting via Zoom one month later
- Access to our Private online Community for connection with and support from other graduates
- The Sister Circles Certification with The International Institute of Complimentary Therapies
This Facilitator Training is deliberately priced so that Sisters can afford to get started on their journey of leadership and re-coupe the cost of the tuition within their first few rounds of Circles or a full-day Workshop.
It is TIME Sisters. Step into the fullness of your Soul's calling and join us for this amazing journey into Circle Facilitation. You are welcomed with open arms.
Upfront Payment: $1888 AUD (includes taxes)
Payment Plan: $1999 AUD (includes taxes)
(The first payment is made at registration and the following payments are equally spread out until the last payment due the week of the course).
This includes:
- 3 days in-person Training with Kate Reed
- A full Training Manual of all the Modules
- Resources - Checklists, Relaxation Scripts, Playlists
- BONUS # 1 'Manifestation Day' Workshop Template
- BONUS # 2 'The Art of Co-Facilitation'
- A Private Community Group platform to exchange ideas share your journey with other women who are called to the path.
Please read the Terms and Conditions before registering for this Training.
When and Where
When: New Dates Coming Soon for March 2025
(9.30am - 5pm each day)
Where: Byron Shire, NSW Australia (address details will be provided to registered participants)
The venue is fully set up for 3 beautiful days of connection in scared space and in communion with Mother Nature.

Facilitator Training Testimonials
Your heart is calling, and you are feeling activated! Amazing! Read on for some kind words from women who have completed the Training and are now Circle Facilitators.
From the bottom of my heart I would like to THANK YOU for the AMAZING time we shared together! And truly amazing it was! My heart is still so full of love and gratitude! Thank you for holding space for us and sharing your wonderful gifts so openly! I would like you to know: In none of the numerous workshops I have attended so far (and believe me when I say I have attended MANY) did I experience so much love, goodness and joy. The bond and the loving sisterhood we all shared was mind blowing. From the moment I stepped into your beautiful home and out into your tranquil garden meeting all the other women I felt a deep connection with each and every one. It was as if we knew each other already for a long, long time. Straight away I was bathed in love and appreciation which in turn made it very easy for me to share in circle. The rituals and ceremonies were so magical and touched my heart on a very deep level.
I feel so inspired, empowered and energised, and I can’t wait to share all that I have taken away with my tribe. Sending lots of love and blessings!
Sigrid Moella
My time with you and all of the amazing women who answered the call and gathered for the Sister Circle training was phenomenal.
My heart is truly full and holds deep gratitude for the connections forged across the weekend.
I feel empowered to bring the Sister Circles to my community so that more women can receive the transformative medicine that sitting in circle offers.
I remembered things that had been long forgotten and not only remembered but now feel the remembering in my bones. I just know!!! Such an amazing awakening.....I feel so much joy and so much pain all at the same time.
I had such a lovely meditation this morning with a smudge, I smudged my crystals and my wand and anything else on my alter. I loved bringing more ceremony to my morning meditation. I was goosebumping nearly the whole way through.
Thank you so much for shining your light. Sending you love and warm cuddles Kate.
Mindi Atkin
A glorious way to comme with women in circle, 'remembering' this ancient way of relating and the art of facilitating women's circles in our communities.
The sister circles facilitator training has provided me with a deep, lasting sense of stability, of clarity, of strength and of purpose. I also feel renewed confidence in what’s possible for the future of our human race and our planet.
I'm excited for the days to come and to bring sister circles to my community soon. Kate provides such an incredible example of holding space in a deeply nourishing, accepting and compassionate way. And as a trainer she empowers us to feel that how we bring this work forward will also be perfectly imperfect and in our own unique way. This is incredible medicine for us as women and I'm so grateful to Kate for bringing this 'work' through and for the opportunity to create a ripple effect in my own community with this work.
Prue Blennerhassett
I feel blessed beyond words to have felt the call to attend the Facilitator training in August, 2018. I remember reading in Kate’s promotional material that if you hear the call, then it is meant for you. This is so true.
I was a little concerned that I may have been a bit like a duck out of water because I didn’t come from the ‘healing realm’ like most of the other woman did. But the minute I joined them all on the first day, I knew that didn’t matter, and that infact I was in the perfect place at the perfect time.
Kate is simply one of the most devine woman I have ever met. She glows with deep passion and love for this work, and her drive to keep it moving through our communities is beyond admirable.
She is a true professional with the quality of her program, with every detail being considered, both for the 3 day training sessions, and beyond (the corporate world has a lot to learn from her!)
I have felt the effect deeply, and simply can’t wait to hold my very own circles. You will leave feeling all loved up, with no question that you need to pass that love on.
Tania Guest
I am beyond grateful to be here and to have had such a life changing and empowering experience this weekend just past. Held so Divinely by Kate.
The profound medicine I received this weekend is almost impossible to articulate, but so worthy of acknowledging, celebrating and being so, so grateful for. I have been aching for something that I could feel was missing but didn’t know how to fill it or where to go until now.
I am so grateful I had the faith in doing this work even though I wasn’t sure why, I trusted my guidance as did the amazing woman who were led to come together. I am beyond thankful to Kate @thesistercircles who trusted in her calling & has lead woman not only to return to themselves, healing their own wounds but enabling them to do the same for others. Gratitude is an understatement.
Clare Deal
What a magical and transformational experience that The Sister Circles facilitator training was for me in 2017!
Kate was such a warm, welcoming and humble facilitator exuding wisdom, knowing and so much passion for Women's Circle. The course was jam packed with information that was exquisitely prepared and delivered over the three beautiful days of group training. There was so much attention to the finer details to maximise the experience for the participants.
With a variety of written and spoken information, beautiful rituals, practical exercises, time to connect with the wonderful women called to this work (despite our incredibly varying life stages and experiences), and then a one on one session to complete the course. We could not ask for more!
The facilitator course left me feeling so satisfied and prepared. I now feel confident that I can facilitate my own sister circles with a combination of the excellent foundation that I gained in the facilitator course, the sister circles resources I have at hand, the connection I continue to have with the participants and the ever supporting Kate.
Thank you so much Kate, I am eternally grateful to have met you and to have experienced your beautiful circles and course.
Mariana Cardillo
I have sat in circle many times and have always loved the connection that women have to each other. I have witnessed the deep healing that comes from sharing and being heard and have felt the call to hold circle myself for a while now. When I came across The Sister Circles website I just knew this course was the one. I cannot say enough about the beautiful space we were all held in as we were learning.
Kate is amazing, supportive and teaches in a very nurturing way. I am a person that asks 100 questions as I like to know how and why we do things, Kate never blinked an eye at all of my questions and believe me there were a lot, yet I never felt any annoyance at all from her. Her listening skills and support are second to none.
Kate is a genuine, caring and loving person and her energy is very real and inspiring. The attention to detail was amazing, the food was mmmm yummy and the experience was incredible. I cannot wait to hold my first Sister Circle and share this beautiful work. I am so grateful to have met such a beautiful soul.
Thankyou Kate xxxxx
Jeanette Buchanan
I would describe Kate Reed as one of the most generous, heart-oriented, wise women I have met and it was an absolute delight to be guided by her during this training. She created a beautiful, welcoming, sacred and safe space in which the participants met.
The course was a delightful combination of sacredness, focused intention, relaxation, excellent? content delivered with clarity, as well as moments to practice and times for sharing.? What I learnt will not only serve me as a Sister Circles Facilitator, but will allow me to create the? safest, most respectful sacred space and heart-oriented energy field in which healing and? transformation may take place in any programs that I aim to offer. With Much Love and Gratitude
Maya Voight
Thank you so so so so much for everything.
I am still bathing in the energy and love and light of the weekend - trying to put into words how the experience was for me. I literally struggle to find a word that is deeper than "gratitude" to describe how I feel. And it's exactly that, a feeling I could perhaps sum up as Sisterhood - how it should be, how it always was intended to be. I have faith that what we as sisters learnt over the weekend and are so deeply called to share, will be reignited in the world, to heal the collective, to bring back the Sisterhood to where it all started. Sitting in circle of love, of acceptance, of nurturing, of nourishing, of laughter, and most importantly as ourselves.
In the deepest sisterhood love and light,
Misty Johnson
Sister Circles is like nothing else I've ever experienced. I'm one of those women who has tried (almost) everything that falls under the spiritual and therapeutic umbrella. Retreats, re-birthing, The Journey, CBT, NLP, hypnosis, tapping, Psych-K, and numerous other descendants of the healing realm. All felt with varying degrees of "success" and very finite amounts of enlightenment.?
Prior to attending Sister Circles I was existing (and surviving, but definitely not thriving) within two opposing domains. My work life in a tech business felt very masculine, and although rewarding in some aspects, my ability to surface for air was causing a daily struggle. In the evenings I returned to being a mother, which required equal amounts, if not more, of energy; but a different kind of energy to the one I had to cultivate in my daily work life. It was a more feminine energy - a loving, nurturing and softer version of myself. I came to long for this feminine energy more and more, to the point where I couldn't ignore the yearning any longer.?
I arrived at Sister Circles with all the usual characters in tow... anxiety, anticipation, excitement and a sense of humour. I departed?3 days later?with some new, and very welcome characters onboard... ease, grace, serenity, joy and a profound sense of calm. A week later I find these newfound characters providing me a deepening and ever-strengthening force within my being. The daily struggle within my soul is dissipating as I gently allow the feminine energy within to rise and grace me with its presence. This is healing. This is what Sister Circles brought to me. I am forever grateful. Thank you dear Kate.?
With love,
Mandy Coddington
Kate's circles are truly magical and her way of teaching is no different. She teaches in such a way that you can only succeed as you feel completely supported by the energy of the sisters no matter where in the world you are.
I had never run any type of circle or workshop before, but within a few weeks of completing the course I held my first Sister Circle - due to my inexperience I just followed all Kate's recommendations and it was an overwhelming success.
If this is something you are thinking of doing- just do it! You will never get a chance to be as nurtured through a learning process as you will be with Kate."
Libby Penning
The Sister Circles have touched a piece of my soul that is connected to each and every woman across all time. For me they have strengthened the invisible thread that binds us all as women. They have reminded me of who we all really are... and of who I am as a woman. The Sister Circles have brought to the forefront of my life that innate wisdom that we all have within, and have enabled me to tap into this in such an effortless and graceful way.
I could never have imagined the powerful effect that participating in one of Kate's gorgeous circles was going to have on me. To have felt so lovingly heard, so safe and supported by such beautiful and nurturing women has been a life changing experience for me, and one that I hope every woman has the opportunity to experience.
These Circles are crucial for us as women - they enable us to connect not only with our inner-most selves, but with the divine Sisterhood. The Sister Circles are an elixir for our souls.
I am so very grateful for you Kate - and for all that you are doing for our Sisters.
Jo Bell Cummings
I just want to thank you!! Thank you so so much for what you have given me!
I know I've said it already, but the thing is you need to know that my gratitude for what you have done for me has now reached an even deeper level!! And you need to know, because you are truly amazing and wonderful… Magic and life changing for so many women! SO with all of my heart THANK YOU… Thank you for being you… Thank you for showing up… Thank you for being brave, generous and so god damn authentic and beautiful I just wanna squeeze you!!!
You have opened this door for me to delve into this amazing work of gifting joy, connection and authentic vulnerability to women around me… and I am just so very grateful… It fills me with so much joy and happiness….and this deep sense of gratitude as I am feeling so very full in my heart…
The so very interesting thing is that I have always quietly feared women quite a bit… Felt quite disconnected from them(not always but often)… and now due to attending your circles and embarking on facilitating my own I realise how much deep healing is happening for me -as well as all the new women around me….. And this is just such a humbling and wonderful feeling… and I need you to know how much I value what you do -Your amazing integrity and authenticity and your incredible gift to this world! Thank you so so much Kate!
Eva King
Having been involved in Sister Circles in the past, I was very aware of the amazing power of women, deeply sharing wisdom to support each other in a safe space as they share experiences with each other. The healing occurs in front of you.
The Sister Circle Facilitator Training program interested me, as I kept speaking to women and men who were interested in sharing circles, and I also felt it would be beneficial in supporting colleagues in my work place. The program was so well thought out, I was coached through the process and supported in holding my first workshop, all while completing the training. Kate was wonderful in holding space for the participant, even over a computer screen, it was amazing. It has also assisted me in communicating better with my colleagues at work, and in my personal life, to really stop and listen to what they are saying, instead of listening to reply. I can already see this process empowering my colleagues at work as we co create in making positive changes in our workplace.
Thank you for sharing these tools Kate, I am so very grateful.
Grescha Brewer
How do I describe what water feels like? We all know what it is. We drink it, bath with it, use it without thinking. It’s so available we take it for granted. Water gives us more than we are possibly aware of. This too is the power of the Circle with our Sisters. We see them, we hear them, and we even think we know them. But there is more to our Sisters than we are possibly aware of.
Attending the first circle may be out of interest or a feeling we decide to heed. Then we find the Circle of Sisters is like the water we have so needed for so long to nurture our souls. We meet in circle because we find it gives us strength to share our stories and our burdens. But more importantly, we see our light shining within our Sister’s eyes as they reflect back to us our strength and beauty.
'I am strengthened by my experience of exposing my Truth to you.' Thank you Kate for living your Truth and your dream so that I too am living mine.
Jimmie Lene Read
I had a wonderful experience joining Kate’s on-line Skype ‘Facilitator’ training course. Although I lead a very busy life now living between two countries in Singapore and England I was pleasantly surprised how you can still feel the strong connection and transformation taking place when women gather together and take the time to share each others deep meaningful inner thoughts. It was amazing to me that you still get that connection via technology.
Kate has a very special way of putting everyone at ease and with her wealth of knowledge and experience she has created a magical course that is much needed in the would today to help women gather and take time for themselves to share and heal. Through her beautiful words and meditations that she has developed the course takes you through a wonderful experience which leaves you feeling like a healing has taken place. So simple yet so powerful. Every women needs to experience this feeling of transformation."
Kim Bux
Dearest Kate, Thank you! Thank you for all that you are... for sharing, for caring, for standing in your truth with such integrity, honesty and truth. I am deeply grateful for everything. Thank you for being you. It's so beautiful and refreshing. Your presence and love is a gift to the world. Yay to Sisterhood. With Love S."
I had heard of circles before and indeed had been guided to join this one. Yet none of what I had heard and read held a clue as to the unfolding that would occur. The Sister CIrcles broke me open. It laid bare my deep longing to be seen. To be heard. To be held in a space of love without judgement, and without expectation. And when I felt broken, the circle held me together.
The power of the Circle and its effect was in large part due to the loving energy Kate brought each week. Even through a computer screen I felt her loving wisdom, gentleness and compassion.
The Circle is an ancient art which underpins the connection all women need. And we need each other more than ever now. It allows us to connect and support each other through shared experience. It’s like a warm balm for our wounds that allows the healing to begin with sweetness and light."
Theresa Voigt